Monday, February 28, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Streaming

dream I stay leader, will never never married ... Metaphors

The last effort of Sora is Cesira here, and like all others, is hilarious and masterful.

Brava, a!

Hasta Lueger.

[Photo credits: From the home page of the blog Sora Cesira -]

How To Get Rid Of Tophi

acr / CRV .. to receive and publish ANITA GARIBALDI! Poetry and

Dear members, all members and friends, I inform you that the first Dinner of 2011 is scheduled for WEDNESDAY '2 March 20.00
We are confident that the beautiful, spacious rooms and the hospitality of the club you'll find interesting and, like many of you know, the culinary skills has always been excellent.
The cost is E35 per person, all inclusive and we thank our dear since f'ora past vice president in January B / A Franco Catalano eg his organizational help. Please
sincerely to report your participation by calling the more 'soon to members who have kindly given their availability and Thanks in advance:
THINK RITA Tel. 06 99674936; cell.3475040382
RUTH FLORIO tel. 06 5203525
dell'ANIOC There will be some members who know you well and in particular their popular president, and our honorary member of the Knight Grand Cross Com Mario courses that we greet with esteem and affection of all time and please send in forward to our meeting to a close embrace Edda Source Parisi, assuring our closeness and sharing in his recent heavy mourning.
This year, the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy we will be engaged continuously, but we can not send letters to inform fequentemente. Please therefore 'on your part to keep telephone contact with the Board, if you are not already in our circuit that will email information' updated as soon as possible.
If you want to sign up for free, please see our website. www.
We will be forced to use more and more 'e-mail in future, because we have reached unmanageable size and numbers by normal mail
I hope to see you soon in our family for rirovarci "Garibaldi" alla quale mi pare siamo tutti partecipi.
Vi aspettiamo numerosi! Un caro abbraccio con l’affetto di sempre e a presto, spero.
CERVETERI cerimonie-convegno il 21 febbraio ( Gen.Martinelli tel 0766 533597) ASSISI. Cerimonie-covegno-concerto, il 25-26 febbraio ( Cristina Romano tel 06 5586954)
TARQUINIA cerimonie e convegno 5 marzo ( Salvatore Florio)
ROMA 17 marzo, al Pantheon, per depore una Corona con le Guardie d’Onore in occasione dell’ anniversario dell’Unita’d’Italia. ( Gen Bruno Simeone) 2

Mom Sucks Dick For Cable

When I say that I admire Massimo Mantellini and his blog , and that I would become a great blogger like him, I am referring to the post as this guy .

Connect a visit to the Sistine Chapel and the admiration of her amazing paintings with our " censorious attitude", especially the Internet, it seemed a chef-d'oeuvre.

Just a couple of quotes: "[...]

I see great similarities between the modesty of a minimum correction of Michelangelo's masterpieces and little information on the network censors. This is probably a stupid idea .

" just sat there and thought that such veils were both odious and irrelevant. The censor told himself, the cache instead of the world often restores the sense of it all. I thought that a work like that shows a summary of the magnitude the talent and the myopia of the bureaucrat, the revolutionary spirit of the artist and the normalization of the placid bourgeois .

Hasta Lueger.

[ Photo credits: Inside_my_head.jpg By: Andrew Mason from London, UK derivative work: - Jtneill - Talk (Inside_my_head.jpg) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons ]

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Omega Sm 300 By Watchco

Owls perched

Yes, indeed even I go yesterday I saw a tweet like what recalls Vittorio Zambardino on his blog today (for more, perhaps even re-tweeted myself ...). But I did not
reflected on the fact that, as Victor rightly points out there: "[...]
is not always true that retransmits a tweet us, even if the source is cited serious broadcaster, one that, moreover, is doing an unparalleled work on the revolutions in North Africa and the Arab world. For heaven's sake, the "offside" information is a mistake that is made even by professional journalists. But "we" (can you?) "digital citizen" we have to be careful: there are all perched on a wire, network anti owls. just waiting for an opportunity to acknowledge the social networks of being machine bullshit. avoided. "
: avoid.
Thanks Victor for this "call to order."

Hasta Lueger.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Are You Allowed To Swim When You Have Chickenpox?


Non so voi, ma io sono fissata con i bauli in pelle e devo ancora trovarne uno di mio gradimento! Beh, diciamo la verità... l'avrei trovato ma il prezzo mi ha bloccata: spendere 1.000,00 € per un baule non mi lascia indifferente, a questo punto mi compro una cult bag :)

TRANSLATION: I have a thing about leather trunk, I don't know if you like it as me, but I mad about it and I didn't find one yet! In reality I found one but the price is too high: 1.000,00 € for a trunk is to expensive, with all this money I could buy a cult bag :)

Eccolo il mio sogno: il baule della Ampleforth (color cuoio però) da use as a bedside table or to be input.

This is my dream: Ampleforth leather trunk (but dark tan in color) to use as bedside table in the house or hall.

Here I leave you with a series of interior images: great!

Here Some interior pics: amazing!

Source: photo, www.idesignlove. com,,,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Century Body Opponent Bag Xl

cannon fodder

Last night, as usual I do on Tuesday, I saw Ballarò , transmission of current policy conducted by John Flores. There was among the guests
Fabrizio Cicchitto , spokesman for the Premier.
But unlike other occasions, this time the Cicchitto it seemed from the beginning, and in no particular order:
  • trembling
  • stuttering
  • confused
  • unprepared
  • played (sounded like a boxer)
Well, that being said, it's not that I want to say that I was worth - indeed, but I hope they take a lot but a lot of blows (figuratively speaking).
only reflect on the fact that last night there seemed to be broadcast in the role of "cannon fodder", such as infantry that is that in war, are sent forward to be killed by the enemy, hoping that they get tired, get distracted, he feels compassion or whatever.
This move, often, is done only to give commanders an opportunity to prepare in the best way to escape (for them), while those who go there to be massacred.
That is a sign of the times to come ...?

Ah, there was also the Anna Maria Bernini , but in his case it was only a verbal barrage, in the most polluted by lysergic phonemes as "magistrate" or "voices to oxymoron ...

Hasta Lueger.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dimensions Of A Dvd Case

Dean ', which makes blood volume'...?

Corriere della Sera

do not know, see a bit 'You

the way, has commitments for April 6?

But the more you will notice if it is not or is and stands apart ...?

Hasta Lueger.

The Republic

Monday, February 14, 2011

Toothache Like Pain In Legs


No, not the implementation of the Anglo-prof. Umberto ...
I refer instead to the resonance on the international media event yesterday, "If Not Now, When " had - check it out:
E in Italia...?
Mah, qui in alcuni casi più che eco c'è stato un suono distorto, proprio come quando si alza troppo the volume of an economic player:

The Journal: The ones used by minors left in a procession against the premier All
Free: Cav on Anifest m: "A shame, partisan"

Hasta Lueger.

[Photo credit: Stefano Corso -]

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dentist Cavity Drilled


An accurate and detailed phenomenology makes Leonardo Giuliano Ferrara in his blog in this excellent post .


Hasta Lueger.

[Photo credits: TheWB (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons -]

Century Bob Dummy Dealer In Ontario


Here I am with the second part on fashion spring / summer 2011 . In this post I wanted to focus on the details. I believe that you too have noticed how many hats sono stati proposti. A quanto pare basta averne uno, di qualsiasi genere, per essere alla moda ;)
Adoro questo trend, sicuramente ogni scusa è buona per comprare altri modelli :)

Avete anche notato tutti gli accessori in corda ? scarpe, borse e cinture. Dite che questi dettagli diventeranno un must? Meglio che controllo nel garage se trovo qualche corda da barca!!

L'ultima considerazione è il  American neck. Have you seen how many designers have proposed? I like it!

the next part! My review does not end here.

Source: collage seaseight -

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Omega Sm300 By Watchco

What's cruel "journalism"?

A beautiful ' example of web-journalism (What is this? do not know, but I can imagine that) I think it's represented by the interview that, in two parts (here the first here second) Francesco Piccinini , director of Agoravox fa a Julian Assange , fondatore e mentore di Wikileaks .

E, lasciatemelo notare, deliziosa è la ingenua malizia dell'ultima domanda e relativa risposta:

Perché il nostro Ministro degli Esteri è così preoccupato di te tanto da definirti terrorista?
Chi è?
Non so chi sia, non lo conosco ”.
Risate. Applausi. Sipario.

Hasta luego.

[Photo credits: Artwork by Graphic Tribe -,01.shtml - Via Wikicommons]

Sample Letter Of Disconnection


I love the collection of Sixties Casadei, especially these two models. Too bad for the price is around 500/600, 00 €.

E 'by many who seek a nice pair of special shoes, perhaps with a structured heel, but for now I have not found anything.

Voi cosa ne pensate di questa collezione?

TRANSLATION: I'm falling in love with new Casadei Sixties collection, especially for these two models. Unfortunately the price is too high, about 500/600,00 €.
It's been a long time since I'm looking for a particular kind of shoes, with structured heels, but I didn't find nothing yet.

What do you think about this collection?

Source: collage seaseight - photos

Monday, February 7, 2011

Franchise Proposal Samples

Waiting to become great

waiting to grow up and do the serious blogger, the one that shakes the conscience, or even just makes you stop a moment to reflect on the fate of Our " servile Italy, hostel stench" (this is my, meanwhile: cute, no?:), I continue to point out those who really write things worth reading: for example
Alessandro or Alessandro or Wil .

and I also take this opportunity (as they say in business letters) to thank le genti di Twitter che seguo e mi seguono : grazie a loro questo paese è un po' meno peggio di quello che potrebbe essere, e diventerà un po' migliore di quello che lo vorrebbero far diventare altri.

Hasta luego.

[Photo credits: By Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez (Lmbuga Commons)(Lmbuga Galipedia), via Wikimedia Commons]

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pityriasis Rosea Bilder


Con mia grande sorpresa ho scoperto che nel giardino di casa vive da un po' un gufo comune, oggi banalmente battezzato Anacleto.

E' bellissimo e dolcissimo. Ti fissa con questi occhioni intensi. Non ne avevo mai visto uno così da vicino. Spero possa trovarsi bene e rimanere qui con me.

Ormai conoscete la mia passione per i gatti, ma non sapete che sono fissata anche con la famiglia degli Strigidi (gufi, civette, allocchi), birds of prey (hawks, eagles), the family of parrots and corvids (crows, jackdaws, crows).

understand that for me an owl in my garden, is priceless:)

Source: photos seaseight

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yellow Blisters Back Of Throat


My review on fashion spring / summer 2011 comincia con una serie di ironiche similitudini che mi sono rimaste impresse.

Stay tuned per altre mie recensioni meno ironiche :)

TRANSLATION: My spring/summer 2011 fashion shows review starts with a series of ironic similarities that keeps buzzing around in my head.

Stay tuned for others reviews about ss 2011, but less ironic :)

Source: collage seaseight - photos,,, . com,,