Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alkalinebattery Charger Circuit Diagram



Eccomi sul treno, per la settima volta alla stessa meta, Lourdes. Quando salgo sul tremo mi coglie the same feeling, that they have already arrived, because the goal is already there, in the hearts of the people, which has the look of someone who can not wait to get there, pilgrims, patients and volunteers willing to do almost thirty hours of travel to get from you
Among the faces of those who already know and those who must still be friends, I feel at home and the sadness of past days gives way to joy in rediscovering them all that love me
During the trip I think to new experiences that I have reserved this time Madonna, because it's always been so, every year every time I go to her, I meet wonderful people who love each other.
The first day of this pilgrimage trascorre quasi tutta in treno, e arrivati al Salus si hanno giusto le forze per arrivare in stanza , farsi una doccia e andare a dormire.
Il giorno comincia presto, 6.30 la sveglia, e la colazione, poi via x le varie funzioni della giornata.
Finalmente arrivo alla grotta e saluto Maria e anche quest’anno dico il mio “eccomi”, e porto a lei una preghiera, per tutti quelli che me l’hanno chiesta in questo pellegrinaggio, porto le mie pene, la mia amarezza per le delusioni ricevute dagli amici ultimamente.. e percepisco che lei mi è vicina, mi ascolta, sento quasi la sua mano sulla spalla, come a dire : - Ho capito-
Riparto serena, e arriva l’ora di cena, è qui che incontro la prima persona Special this year: Don Lindo, 50 years of missions in Central America, now forced to return to Italy for diabetes and cancer, and diabetes in a wheelchair because he's taken away a foot, a plaster on his nose so as not to see that him missing a piece, but a special light in her eyes, and a sentence that strikes me - As soon as I recover, I'll be in mission-, I thought to myself, which is a great person, and even then I can fulfill my mission , my dream.
Then comes the long awaited moment of the flambeau, at night, at 21, I know that this year will be a little 'different, there Renza, the friend who usually goes every year my wheelchair at the time, I just sent a message and then I spend the first prayer of the evening.
Then slowly the torches are lit, and I naturally begin to consider looking at this little flame, and I think that thanks to a first person that comes on, then you can turn on the other, just like love, because the 'Love is contagious, if one likes, also brings the people around him to love,
Then I watch the flame that trembles and wobbles, but never goes out, however, as our hope, which is sometimes weak, but when it seems he's going to go off, on again with more strength and just feel a little 'cold, approached the flame to my face and I feel the heat, and I think that a small flame can do that too, warm our hearts but also our body. And once we heated, we can send our warmth to the whole world, thus creating small flames, which spread throughout the world.
This reflection takes me so much that the rosary is almost over and took me for an hour with his sweet melody.
conclude with a prayer
O Mary, let the flame of your love, resides in my heart forever, and in dark moments ago that it makes me light, is to illuminate my path and warms my heart.
And with these thoughts go to Mass at the grotto, and they cry and I thank you, shining in the night.
Days go by and get another surprise, according to the dedicated volunteers and the volunteers of the first year, a gentle hand and warm to me ... she gets her Claudio, I do not know why, but I can not leave this hand, for 10 minutes I feel something unexplainable, something stronger, transcendental, that will not let me leave.
I feel it is the beginning of a new friendship, special, I feel that we will be friends forever, and maybe that will make me a bit 'from Dad. Another special gift of this pilgrimage.
The third is when I hear the International Mass, a dogma which is pushing a pram, to say to my companion, "are suffering from cancer," a tear goes down and comes up to my lips, I feel salt, look at her and say "congratulations". And I understand that volunteering can always be done, even with a disease that is the true path, even if it is the most tiring, I think this is my path.
I understand that sometimes, to give but does not mean physically, does not mean giving money, it means giving oneself with their disease and its miseries.
This concludes the pilgrimage, the strongest division, and with some more experience.
On the train on the way back I think back to what I experienced, what I left Lourdes and what I brought with me, I think the cave smooth, I placed my sufferings and sufferings of the people in my heart, the stable hands made smooth by millions of suffering, I think that I entrusted to you the Book with Wire wrote my dream and then you definitely will read it.
And when I get off the train I find my mom, her embrace, after more than a year and a half inside my heart I thank the Madonna and ask her the strength to forgive, I ask you to forgive me for my mistakes and to forgive those who live in the materialism and do not have the strength to feel the emotions I felt in those days. __________

Friday, October 3, 2008

Denise Milani Masterbates

acr TV academy


Milan, Monday January 12, 12:00 pm, in the Clock Room at the Palazzo Marino, Mayor Letizia Moratti Welfare Foundation will present to the press. Attended by the President of the Province, Filippo Penati, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Carlo Sangalli and representatives of trade unions Honorius Rosati (CGIL), Fulvio Giacomo (CISL), Walter Galbraith (UIL).

Mariolina Moioli assessors will be present (family, school and social policies) and Andrea Mascaretti (policies of Labour and Employment).