Sunday, March 22, 2009

One Month Accommodation Melbourne

latest of March 22, 2009 LATEST

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the ACR Academy in Milan and San Remo, UNICEF, NPO AMICO, GENERAL COOP and wire Creative Flavia ONLUS and ...... .. (Sicilian abs.)! 19/02/2009 Subject: Cooperation agreement with ACR ASSOCIATION THE ACADEMY THE MILANESE and Sanremo. " ACR and THE ACADEMY THE MILANESE Sanremesi has among its main objectives the protection of workers rights and in particular those who suffer violence to their dignity, especially for children, from conception until 18 years of age . It aims to guarantee the rights of all human gliesseri (and animals) with particular reference to those situations in which they may be subject to any form of child exploitation, harassment, assault, physical violence and / or psychological and pharmacological, that also leads to their expulsion from the community and / or place of work and / or dismissal / waiver and / or admission to a nursing home. It seeks the collaboration between people, from children to adults, to express self-interest and simply, in practice, solidarity in order to contribute to building a society where rights are protected for all children, men and women, especially those who find themselves in difficult circumstances, be they children or adults. The commitment of each is aimed to give its contribution in order to safeguard the dignity of the person's physical and moral integrity. Wants / needs to work for a cultural change of the individual values, attitudes, verbal expressions and how they interact with particular reference to the wealth of the family, AMICIZIA, AMORE e solidarietà nella società. Solo nella sua solidità, essa può essere veicolo di crescita completa di tutti i suoi membri, specialmente dei minori che sono chiamati a sorreggere, in maniera equilibrata, le sorti dell’umanità, nel mondo, nel prossimo futuro. Noi ci riconosciamo e condividiamo le finalità perseguite dall’ACR ACCADEMIA IL MILANESE e IL SANREMESE, nel pieno rispetto dell’autonomia di ciascuno, comunichiamo l’intenzionalità di collaborare con Essa e con tutte le Associazioni che sottoscriveranno il presente PROTOCOLLO in relazione alle tematiche oggetto della nostra Associazione/Organizzazione, mettendo a disposizione le nostre conoscenze e competenze secondo le modalità already agreed, that with practice and sincere willingness to help those in need. All this and also in implementation of projects that are involved the ACR and THE ACADEMY THE MILANESE Sanremo, with the sponsorship of the Lombardy, Liguria, Piemonte, Sicily and Lazio, the province of Agrigento, Bergamo, Como, Milan , Varese, Turin, Vercelli, Imperia, Savona and Rome and from time to time with all the institutions and / or social forces within Europe. Read and approved with the signature placed at the bottom! Merzario Sergio Dario, BOSCO Ketti Concetta, scanty 'Renato, pull Dove, ALESSI Eleonora ... (Anna Domino). PS regardless of the variation or mutation of the management protocol of Understanding continues to have its beneficial effects as long as the Association exists and operates democraticamnete!